Development Services Overview

The District performs plan review, oversees and inspects water system improvements, and tracks project progress for development and redevelopment within the District's service boundary. Below is an overview of the general process of development at the District.

Did you know?

Installing a single service for an empty lot, upgrading an existing service to serve an accessory dwelling unit, or other smaller projects typically do not require much of what is outlined below. Refer to the Purchasing a Water Meter page for a general outline for navigating these smaller projects.

On this page

Service Availability

Area jurisdictions such as Washington County, City of Beaverton, City of Hillsboro, or City of Tigard, as part of their land use permitting processes, require developments to provide a statement of service availability (also known as a service provider letter) from utility providers. These statements confirm for jurisdictions that the proposed developments have available (and adequate) services to serve the project.

To determine the availability of water service for a proposed development, submit form(s) provided by the jurisdiction1 to District staff will confirm if adequate infrastructure is available to serve the development. If substantial improvements (i.e., extensions, upgrades, etc.) to the water system could be needed to provide service, these requirements will be identified on the form.

1 City of Tigard does not provide a form therefore the District will generate a letter providing the necessary information when requested.


In cases where a development or property requests water service but is not within the District's existing service boundary, annexation into the District will be required. For more information on the annexation process, contact Development Services at

Development Services Application

The development process is initiated by submitting a Development Services Application. The application requires project information such as project name, owner and engineer information, type of project, number of lots (in the case of a subdivision), anticipated meter sizes, etc., as well as submittal of the engineering plans. Engineering plans must be stamped by a professional engineer licensed in the state of Oregon and meet the requirements of the current TVWD Design & Construction Standards.

Engineering Plan Review

Before engineering plan review can begin, the plan review fee must be paid. The plan review fee will vary based on the type (i.e., subdivision or commercial) and size (i.e., lot count or meter size) of the development project. An invoice for the plan review fee will be provided at the time the development service application is submitted. Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 1 for applicable fees.

District engineers will review the engineering plans to ensure compliance with TVWD Design & Construction Standards. If revisions to the engineering plans are required, comments will be provided and plans must be resubmitted for a subsequent review(s). Once all comments have been addressed, the engineering plans will be approved.

Excessive revisions to the engineering plans, or long periods between plan approval and the pre-construction conference, will result in additional fees being assessed. Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 2 for applicable fees.

Inspection Fee

Prior to scheduling a pre-construction conference and commencing construction, the inspection fee must be paid. As with the plan review fee, this fee will vary based on the type and size of the development project. An invoice for the inspection fee will be provided at the time engineering plans are approved. Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 1 for applicable fees.

Pre-Construction Conference

At least 2 business days prior to starting public water system improvements, the developer or contractor must schedule a pre-construction conference with the inspection team by phone at (971) 327-6316 or by email at The conference is an on-site meeting for an inspector to define expectations for workmanship and quality of installation, provide an overview of inspection and testing requirements, discuss items that will require special coordination with District staff (i.e., temporary water shutdowns), and provide a time for attendees to ask questions specific to the project. At a minimum, the general contractor and any subcontractors who will perform work on the water system must be present at this conference.

Construction Inspection

During the course of construction, District inspectors will approve and document improvements installed by the contractor to confirm compliance with TVWD Design & Construction Standards and the approved engineering plans. Inspection will include, but is not limited to:

  • Confirmation that materials meet District standards prior to installation.
  • Visual observation and acceptance of work prior to backfill. Potholing of buried lines may be required at the Developer's expense to allow for verification that the installation meets the requirements of the Standards.
  • Pressure testing, flushing, chlorination, and bacteriological testing of all water main and service lines. Bacteriological testing shall be performed by District inspectors.
  • Any changes to the approved plans initiated by the Project Engineer or as a result of field conditions must be resubmitted and approved by the District.

Once the contractor believes all improvements have been completed, a final inspection should be requested through the District inspector.

Recent Change

As of July 1, 2024, Developers are required to install water service lines 2-inches or smaller. This does not include connections to the District's active water system.

Service line installations are performed by different people depending on the situation.

  • Who installs service lines?
    For new water system construction, the Contractor installs service lines regardless of size. For work on the active water system (i.e., main which currently is serving customers), District crews will install 2-inch or smaller service lines, and pre-approved contractors will perform hot taps on existing mainlines for service lines serving meters larger than 2-inch. The Contractor is responsible for the installation of all service lines larger than 2-inch downstream of the hot tap.

  • When do service lines need to be installed?
    For new water system construction, service lines must be installed as part of mainline construction prior to any testing. For service lines installed from the active system, the timing of service installations is more flexible and can be requested when needed.

  • Do service lines need to be pressure tested?
    Yes. Service lines are required to be pressure tested, as well as chlorinated, regardless of size.

For fees associated with service line installations, refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 3.

Final Inspection

Upon completion of water system improvements, the Developer (or Developer's Contractor) must request a final inspection. A final punch list will be generated at this final inspection walkthrough identifying deficiencies to be corrected prior to acceptance of the water system improvements. To request a final inspection, contact the District Inspector assigned to your project.

Final Project Acceptance

The Developer must complete and/or submit the following items prior to final project acceptance:

  • Construction of water system improvements in accordance with District Design and Construction Standards, the approved Engineering Plans, and other requirements as set by the District. Confirmation of water system improvements is performed as part of the final inspection (see above);
  • Testing, including but not limited to, pressure testing, disinfection, and bacteriological testing;
  • Coordination with District for the installation of service lines 2" or smaller on the active system;
  • Final lift of paving ensuring that valve boxes are set flush with the final grade of roadway;
  • Water System Facilities Easements;
  • Payment of any remaining fees, charges, fines, or penalties.

Determination and Payment of SDCs

System Development Charges (SDCs) are determined based on meter size (for meters 1-1/2" or smaller) or anticipated water usage (for meters 2" or larger).

  • For meters 1-1/2" or smaller, SDCs are flat rate charges and based on the number of plumbing fixture units served by the meter. To determine the number of total plumbing fixture units for a development or residence, a Water Meter Sizing Worksheet (PDF) must be completed and submitted to the District. While this form is typically used to determine meter sizes for single family or duplex residences, smaller multifamily and commercial developments may also use this form to determine a meter size. Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 5 for applicable fees.
  • For meters 2" or larger, SDCs vary based on calculated average and peak demands anticipated to be required by the development. Calculation of these anticipated average and peak demands is the responsibility of the Developer. For questions regarding sizing of meters 2" or larger, contact TVWD at Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 6 for current rates.

SDCs must be made prior to release of domestic meters or utilization of fire water.

SDC Agreement

For meters 2" or larger, the legal owner of the developing lot is required to enter into a 60-month-long agreement with the District, termed the SDC Agreement. Upon entering into this Agreement, the property owner acknowledges and agrees that if daily demand averaged over any period of 12 consecutive months exceeds 110% of the anticipated average daily demand, the District may charge additional SDCs.

From time to time throughout the term of the Agreement, the District will provide updates to property owners of the average and peak demands. If average demands are exceeding the anticipated average demands as agreed upon in the Agreement, the District will direct property owners to resources to help reduce demands.

Release of Meters

Release of domestic meters requires that all water improvements have been completed and that the project has received final acceptance. If the Developer or their Contractor requests early release of the domestic meter(s), the District will do so only if the following is provided or performed:

  • A guarantee, in the form of a performance bond or a cash in lieu of a bond, is provided. The dollar amount of the guarantee is determined based on the work remaining on the project at the time the early release is requested.
  • The SDC Agreement has been signed and executed (if applicable)
  • The System Development Charges and Meter Installation Fees have been paid.
  • For meters 3" or larger that are installed within a vault, the vault must be constructed to a point that allows safe access for District crews performing the meter installation, as determined by District inspectors.

Refer to Development Fees and Charges, Table 4 for current meter installation fees. 

Meter Installation

After release of the meter, the meter installation will enter the District's crews work queue. All meters are installed by District crews. Depending on the size of meter, installation may take a varying amount time. For meters 2" or smaller, installation will take 1 to 2 weeks. For meters 3" or larger, installation will take 2 to 4 weeks.

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