Willamette Water Supply System Raw Water Facilities Update

Raw Water Facilities Design

The Raw Water Facilities project is the southernmost component of the Willamette Water Supply Program. The project includes expanding the existing intake capacity at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) and building a pipeline, pump station, and associated infrastructure to move the water to the Willamette Water Supply System Water Treatment Plant that is still under design.

The project is defined by an intergovernmental agreement between the Willamette Water Supply System (WWSS) Commission and the City of Wilsonville. The project will accomplish WWSS and Wilsonville’s mutual goals of increasing water supply, reliability, redundancy, and resiliency for all parties while maintaining WRWTP operations during construction.

Improvements include an improved pump station, a seismically reinforced Willamette Riverbank, increased water intake capacity, a new electrical building, and a new raw water pipeline. Construction is planned to begin in June 2020 and conclude in 2024. Visit OurReliableWater.org/rawwater for more information.