Keeping Landscaping Clear of Water Meters & Fire Hydrants

Keep Fire Hydrants Clear of Obstructions

When a fire breaks out, firefighters need to quickly locate and use fire hydrants. This can be difficult when landscaping or other items on your property make access difficult.

Maintain hydrants on your property
  • Fire hydrants must be visible from the street and easily accessible. All obstructions must be trimmed or removed. Never alter or paint a hydrant.

  • Maintain a clear area three feet behind and five feet to each side of the hydrant and at least 18 inches to the ground.

  • If anything on your property is obstructing access, TVWD will give you notice to remedy the problem. If there are still obstructions after notice is given, TVWD may take corrective actions. 


Keep Water Meters Clear of Obstructions

District staff read and repair hundreds of water meters each day, striving to be efficient and safe. This can be difficult when landscaping or other items on your property make your meter difficult to access.

Maintain water meters on your property
  • Meters must have “free and clear” access, which means our staff can easily access the meter. All obstructions must be trimmed or removed.
  • Maintain six feet above the meter box and two feet on each side.

  • If anything on your property is obstructing access, TVWD will give you notice to remedy the problem. If there are still obstructions after notice is given, TVWD may take corrective action.