Purchasing a Water Meter

To access TVWD's water system on a regular basis, customers are required to have an appropriately-sized water meter installed by TVWD prior to the start of regular water service. 

Please note: Purchasing a water meter refers to buying the right to use the water meter and paying for on-demand service from the water system. TVWD owns the physical water meter and the fittings behind the meter.

Things to Do Before Purchasing a Water Meter

Before you're able to purchase a water meter, TVWD will need a copy of the building permit, with the address, and information to determine the needed water meter size. Water meter sizes are based on the plumbing fixture count. 

  • Download and complete a Sizing of Residential Water Meter Work Sheet (download below) 
  • Understand TVWD's Rules and Regulations (download below)
  • Pay associated fees and charges in full once approved by TVWD staff
Your Responsibilities Prior to Installation
  • Stake the location and grade the area if service is not in an existing subdivision
  • Make the meter location accessible and keep the area free of debris
  • Replace a broken or missing meter box with a #37 Brooks meter box
    • Meter boxes are available at local water works supply stores
    • Call the TVWD when complete to expedite your meter installation
    • Please note: a fee will be assessed if we respond to your request and repairs are incomplete
Your Responsibilities After Installation
  • Do not tamper with the meter. It is illegal to remove the water meter to connect directly to TVWD's service. Connection materials will be confiscated and illegal connection charges assessed, including an estimated commodity charge.
  • Removing the metal tailpiece and connecting directly to the water meter will result in a shutoff and locking the meter until appropriate repairs are made. Fines will be assessed.
  • A missing or stolen water meter will be assessed at the current replacement rate. Payment for the replacement meter must be made at TVWD's offices before reinstallation.
  • If you break the shutoff valve at the meter (curb stop), you will be billed for repairs.
  • If you damage the TVWD service line, you will be billed time and materials for repairs.