Locate a Leak

Determine If Your Leak Is Inside Or Outside Your House

First, determine you have a leak. If you have a leak, follow these steps:

  1. Shut off the main water valve to inside your house.
  2. Locate your water meter again and lift the cover to see the meter dial.
  3. Note the position of the sweep hand, or use a marker on the lens cover.
  4. Wait 20-30 minutes and check the sweep hand location again. If the sweep hand has moved, you possibly could have a leak somewhere in your system.
  5. You can also check the "flow" indicator to see if it's moving.
  6. If the meter has moved when the water is shut off to the house, you have a leak somewhere outside of the house.
  7. If the meter has not moved when the water to the house is shut off, your leak is somewhere inside the house.

A few other tips to check for leaks:

  • Check for moist spots around and under the house plumbing and around outdoor plumbing.
  • Your toilet may have a silent leak. Drop a little food coloring into the tank. Wait about 10 minutes without flushing. If color appears in the bowl, you have a leak.